The History
The consultancy section of the University of Madras evolved into a "University Industry Community Interaction Centre" in 1997 with the following objectives:
- To create a data base on the needs of Industries in the country and launch an Industrial Associateship programme
- To coordinate R&D projects between University departments and Industries in the area of Product/process development and technology transfer
- To assist in signing of MOU and development of IPR/patents by the University faculty based on their products and processes
- To offer testing/material characterization and certification facilities
- To offer training programmes for small/medium scale industries certificate/diploma courses relating to professionally oriented fields
- To develop specialized continuing education programmes for industrial and social action agencies
The UICIC is headed by a senior faculty of the University on a part-time basis as decided by the Syndicate on the recommendation of the Vice Chancellor with suitable honorarium. He/She is called as Dean (Industrial Consultancy). The single tenure of the Dean is three years.
To assist the Dean there is an Executive Committee, comprising four members of the University faculty representing the four campuses of the University, as nominated by the Vice-Chancellor.
The Dean has the powers to appoint the requisite staff for the UICIC and shall expand the infrastructural facilities, as and when required, subject to the approval by the Vice-Chancellor.
The UICIC functions in an office at a prominent place in the University at the Sekkhizhar Campus, Taramani, Chennai - 113
Consultancy Rules
Faculty members of the University may undertake consultancy or provide technical services to Industry and other organisations using, if necessary, the facilities of the University.
The services/consultancy provided may be of the following types: I. Institutional Consultancy, II. Individual Consultancy and III. Technical services.
Institutional consultancy relates to advice rendered to an industry/organization, or work done for them, by a department/group/individual on behalf of the University. The Principal Consultant will be identified by the Vice-Chancellor, or by a person authorized by him, namely the Dean.
Service Consultancy may be University equipment, but consumables or other materials are not required.
A request for consultancy services shall be received by the UICIC on behalf of the University. It may, however, be received directly by a faculty member and forwarded to the UICIC for its consideration.
The UICIC has so far operated 295 projects/courses/training programmes worth Rs.6.74 crore. A major breakthrough achivement is in obtaining a patent on "A Pharmaceutical Formulation from the Indian Medicinal Plant, Phyllanthus Amarus for the Treatment of Hepatitis B and a process for its preparation". An agreement for its commercialisaion as a drug has been signed by the University of Madras with M/s.Rallis India (Ltd) and M/s Phytopharm Inc.,UK for marketing in India and other countries respectively.
The following industries have sponsored research projects in the University of Madras through UICIC: Shreya Life Sciences Pvt.Ltd., Malladi Research Centre, Abl Biotechnologies Ltd., Orchid Pharmaceuticals, Arogya Health Care, Care and Cure, Rumi Herbals Pvt.Ltd., Gautier French Furniture, Clarity Salts Pvt. Ltd., Span Diagnostics Pvt Ltd., Amruthanjan, Hardy Exploration and Production (India), Aban Informatics Pvt. Ltd., Reliance Industries Ltd., E.I.D Parry (India) Ltd., Piramal Healthcare Ltd., World Noni Research Foundation, Astor Scientific, ABLE - Association of Biotechnology Led Enterprises, Sri Hari Labs, G.E.T. Water Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Pepsi Co, Tuticorin Port Trust, Aquagri Processing Pvt. Ltd., Vijaya Hospital, ABiogenesis Lab, Ivoclar Vivadent Liechtenstein, Sree Ramcides Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., Sakthi Masala (P) Ltd., Retort Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., Tajmahal Agro Industries, Gencor Pacific Organics India Pvt. Ltd., Himalaya Drug Company.
Executive Committee Members
Dr.S.Prakash, Ph.D,
UICIC,University of Madras,
Chennai-600 113.
Dr. D.Sakthisekaran,
Department of Medical Biochemistry,
University of Madras,
Chennai-600 113.
Dr. R.Jaganathan,
Department of Geography,
University of Madras,
Chennai-600 005.
Dr.Rita John,
Department of Theoretical Physics,
University of Madras,
Chennai-600 025.
Department of Saiva Siddhanta,
University of Madras,
Chennai-600 005.
Programme offered though UICIC
Dept. of Zoology
1) PG Diploma in Stem Cell Technology & Tissue Engineering.
2) UGC Sponsored Vocational Training Programme in Immunology and Molecular Biology.
Dept. of Indian Music
1) Certificate Course in Karnatic Music
Dept. of Genetics
1) Short-term Consultancy -Training Programmes in Genetics
CAS in Botany
1) Workshop on Mushroom Cultivation and Composting of Agrowastes
2) Short term Project for M.Sc., B.Tech/M.Tech Students
3) Workshop on Nanobiotechnology and Molecular Biology
Partnership / Collaboration:
A number of industrial partners are closely working with several departments of the University in the research areas of:
- Drug Development
- Pharmaceutical Testing
- Pharmacology, Industrial Toxicology
- Genetics, Endocrinology, Bio-Chemistry
- Microbiology, Disease control and Public Health
- Chemical analysis, Testing and Products
- New Materials
- Electronics, Nuclear Physics, Analysis and Testing
- Plant Science, Bio-Technology, Industrial Biology
- Marine Biology, Coastal Zone Production
- Geological Surveys, Groundwater Management, Micro Paleontology, Minerals and Ore Testing
- Environment Impact Assessment, Remote Sensing Applications
- Cartography and Mapping Technology, Geospacial Data Management
- GIS, GPS, Field Surveys ,Land Use and Land Scape analysis
- Economic Surveys ,Commerce and Business Evaluation, Market Management, Organization Planning
- Quality Assurance and Management, Statistical Modeling, Sampling and Survey Design,
- Market and Business forecasting, Life table management, Health Statistics
- Socio-Economic Surveys, Sociological Counseling, Psychological Services and Counseling,
- Human Resource Management, Anthropological Surveys, Population Resource Management.
- Regional Planning, Layout and Location allocation, Methodology, Operation Research Techniques
- Cultural Studies, Archeological dating
- Music Folklore, Traditional Culture and dance
- Linguistics ,Translation ,Lexicography